Tips on women’s health

Tips on women’s health
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Dry Jen Ashton of course here with a look  at your medical question that. You’ve  been asking about so let’s look at the  question here what exercises are okay to  do if. I have a herniated disc okay so  Mini Med School first of all what is a  herniated disc if you think of. You know  a burger a really fat burger when you go  to squeeze it and take your first. Bite  how everything kind of shoots out the  back that’s basically what a herniated  disc is you have a lot of gelatinous.  Material that gets compressed between  two vertebrae and it causes a lot of  pain the most. Important thing is if  something hurts do not do it and you  should always check with a healthcare.  Provider a physical therapist to make  sure that you’re not doing harm  obviously but anything.


that can help  strengthen the muscles around that area  reduce inflammation increase flexibility  is going to be good now I can’t stop  thinking about my spine as just a set of  cheeseburgers all over the place a bagel  with cream cheese and everything yeah  that’s the medical explanation what is  your prescription for well okay it has  to do for um in honor of women’s History  Month some screening tests that women  should talk to their health care  provider about  um very very important for overall  health and wellness and disease  prevention first of all for cervical  cancer a pap smear generally every three  years if they’ve all been normal any  abnormality requires a shorter term more  frequent follow-up screening mammography  for breast.

Task Force

Cancer according to the U.S  preventive service task force every two  years that’s for an. Average risk woman  other cancer organizations have  different screening recommendations. For  that and then bone density this is done  with adnexa test not painful once at at  or after the age of 65 for most people  right Dry Jen thank you you can always  submit your health and wellness  questions to us here at ABC GMA 3. well  hey there GMA fans Robin Roberts here  thanks for checking out our YouTube  channel lots of great stuff here so go  on click the Subscribe button right over  right over here to get more of Awesome  videos and content from GMA every day  anytime we thank you for watching and  we’ll see you in the morning on GMA

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