Health Recognize Medical Gaslighting
It’s been called the metoo of healthcare doctors misdiagnosing dismissing. Even gaslighting their female patients about health. I heard everything from you’re just tired too . One doctor actually said well i think it’s just because you have your period.Maria Garcia suffered from intense stomach and back pain but says her doctors told her there was nothing wrong. She just needed to slim down when her symptoms escalated vomiting weakness and hair loss. She says her specialist still dismissed her.
Research diagnosis
I was probably about two weeks away from death. So did you feel once you got your diagnosis rage or relief both. Everything could be attributed to either me being dramatic exaggerating and being fat. You’ve got nurses studies show bias against women. When it comes to health is based on men yes experts say the worst medical gas lighting comes in the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. Which impact an estimated one in five women and involves symptoms easy to write off like chronic fatigue autoimmune diseases.
Limit experts
so now i stand up for myself and i encourage other women to do the same stand up you’re worth it if you aren’t feeling heard by your doctors experts say another good approach is to ask them hey if you were in my position what questions would you ask and what specialist would you see next so it’s important to remember that doctors are often patients themselves so they say appeal to them on that level and i just think the whole thing about not research not being done on women for diseases that are affecting women ridiculous exactly yeah so women’s health is you know decades behind but that’s beginning to change but particularly for women my age who go to ask for information about menopause or perimenopause hormones we don’t have the research but the important thing feeling