Help 10 Habits for Your Mental Health 🌱
hi my loves welcome back to lavendaire let’s talk about mental health and what the top habits are for supporting your mental health here on this channel we talk about how to tap into your true self and create your dream life but all of that isn’t possible without a solid foundation for your mental and emotional well-being it’s crucial to take care of yourself and develop habits that will help you thrive so today we’ll explore those very habits the first step is always awareness then comes intention and then change so without further ado here are the top 10 habits for your mental health alright so the most important habit for your mental health is practicing being present being present is a skill it’s knowing.
Time Travel
How to live in the now being here in this current moment too often our minds like to time travel. We like to think about the past think about the future whether you are just thinking about regrets. Or worrying about the things that you’ve done the mistakes you’ve made or maybe you are too focused in the future. Whether you are anxious or stressed out about the future help or just you know focusing on something. That is not happening right now right in front of you so the present moment really is your place of power. It’s your place where you can create your life from nothing is possible if it’s not happening. In the present moment like you use your present moment to make things happen by practicing.
Being more present and being more mindful of the current moment you are training. Your brain to focus on what matters to focus on where you have your power instead of being. Distracted by the wanderings of your mind and going into the past going to the future. Those are really just distractions you don’t have power in the past or the future. You have your power now and so if you can live in the present moment more and more then. That is such an important habit for your mental health the next very important habit for your mental health. Is to allow yourself to feel your emotions it’s okay to feel i know that sounds. Very simple because a lot of people are good at feeling their emotions.
but there are also a lot of people who are not in touch with their emotions and a lot of us do suppress how we feel sometimes we keep it in or maybe you want to cry but you hold it back and you push it down and that suppression of your emotions is not healthy mentally emotionally physically like it affects your body in some way when you feel an emotion don’t judge it just look at it be aware of it allow yourself to feel it and express it learn to be able to hold a safe space for yourself to feel these emotions because not dealing with them is going to make it a bigger issue later on so just allow yourself to feel it as it comes another habit that is super important for your mental health is to have an outlet to express yourself.